How to open a 7z file without a password?
At this time everyone needs privacy and everyone wanted to be secure from hackers. For this reason, users encrypt their files with passwords. In this article, we will learn about “How to open a 7z file without a password?”.
Why do we use passwords on 7z files?
As we know 7z file format is one of the secure and fast compressor tools which compress data and make users’ files and data smaller by size. If you want to save a confidential file in your system and want to protect it from unknown persons. The encrypted 7z file is accessible with its password.
Why choose eSoftTools 7z password recovery software?
Users protect 7z files with a password, but for any reason, if anyone has lost their password or forgotten it, they become unable to unlock that file.
In this situation, the only solution that helps users is eSoftTools 7z password recovery software. This software is one of the best password recovery software that assists users to quickly recovering all kinds of password characters without losing any information.
Some best features of 7z password recovery software
Brute Force Attack:- In this attack software search for all password combinations and check the passwords such as numeric, alphabetic, symbolic, etc.
Mask Attack:- In this attack users input their known password character and the software recovers only the forgotten character of the lost 7z file password.
Dictionary Attack:- In this attack users who do not know any password letter, alphabet, or number then the software will automatically search for the password using a dictionary file with 30,000+ English words.
Password copy to clipboard:- In this software users get a copy to the clipboard option to copy the recovered password with a click.
Working of 7z password recovery software:-
- Download eSoftTools 7z password recovery software
- Install the software and select and import 7z file into the software.
- After selecting the 7z file password, select a password recovery attack.
- After selecting the recovery strategy and apply additional settings.
- Finally, click on recover to start the 7z password recovery process.
Demo version:-
Users can use this software and download this software for a free demo The software offers demo version in which users get the ability to recover the first 3 characters of 7z file password for free.
I hope this article helps you in getting a solution for query “How to open a 7z file without a password?”. Now get eSoftTools 7z password recovery software to test all its functions and make recovery of lost 7z file password with ease.